Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Update

Ready to roll over and die in this heat, I decided to look up the weather in Dublin to see how it compares. As many places in California have been reaching 108 degrees this week, it is a pleasant 71 degrees in Dublin today. I guess that is just one more thing to look forward to!

In other news, I am slowly getting closer to my departure date. This week I moved out of my apartment and into Sam and Andre's old house. Moving in this weather was absolutely dreadful! But I am happily settled in and love it here! I feel so at home already and absolutely love living by myself. This house is so much bigger compared to my little apartment and I find myself walking around just because there is so much space. It's really nice and I am very thankful that Sam and Andre hooked me up with this living situation. (THANK YOU GUYS!!!) I will also have the opportunity to save up a little bit more money before leaving, which is essential considering I have to buy a new lap top as well. My ole lap top wouldn't be able to handle skype, a necessity while overseas.

I am also extremely grateful for my dad and mom, who came up for the weekend to help move. I had to work Saturday morning and by the time I got off and went home, they had moved over half of my big furniture. I didn't even have to lift a finger! The next day I woke up early and helped move my bed and the remainder of the smaller things that I had and it went very smoothly. Dad did most the work. Then I come back to the new house to put everything together and my mom had stocked the fridge. I consider myself very lucky :)

The next time I'll be moving is in two months. I'm going to head back to Corning to spend a few weeks with my parents before I leave. As far away as it seems, this first months of summer has flown by, so I am sure that it will be here in no time!

1 comment:

  1. Just to rain on your parade, it's going to be freaking cold in Dublin in January! :) Sorry, just had to point it out. I'm glad you like your new living situation. I'll be over soon for bertolli!
