Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Plans

Besides working, I plan to make this summer a wonderful one. It is the first time I truly feel complete happiness in where I am and what I am doing in my life. I love Sacramento and plan to enjoy my last few months here.

My summer plans consist of:

- I started off the summer with a short weekend trip to Vegas. I went with my friend Kelly and a lot of her family to celebrate her dad's 50th birthday. We went with a total of 12 other people and had a wonderful time! Kelly and I flew in a few hours after everyone else had already arrived in Vegas. This was due to us being so anxious, as we bought our tickets in February! We flew out of the Stockton airport and the flight was only 58 minutes. We both finished three beers before landing. We stayed at the Rio, which was really nice. It had a beautiful pool area with sand beaches and amazing bars! We wandered around on the Strip, gambled a little, went to a bar with a live band, got VIP to the Palms Ghost Bar, and much more. It was a wonderful trip and something I would like to do annually. We stayed only two nights, and to be honest, Kelly and I probably could not have handled another night. As fun as it was, it was very exhausting as well!




- My plan is to visit this place frequently. One of my best friends, Sondra, lives in the most amazing part of SF in the cutest apartment I have ever seen! And I need to take advantage of this situation and see her has often as I can. We always have so much fun and it is a very cheap vacation for me :) I plan to go to SF this weekend to celebrate the fourth of July with her. And every two days that I have off in a row should be spent in in SF. I love that girl and I love that city!


- I've only been to one so far this summer, but they are so much fun and very inexpensive.


- For Dad and James' (Charly's bf) birthdays (which are only one day apart), we will be going to the Giants game in SF. I'm really looking forward to this, as it seems like I always miss the Giants games due to prior commitments. We will be tailgating and it's the first time I'll be able to drink beer with my dad before a game :)

- My sister Charly and I are planning a trip to Yosemite for a weekend sometime this summer. We realized that we both really want to go there and haven't been since the one time we went for my cousin's wedding. I was too young to really remember it and think I would appreciate it much more! We are planning to go on multiple hikes and bring are bikes as well!

- Kelly, Michelle, and I are going to road trip to San Diego for five days as one of my last trips before I leave Sacramento. It will be a true vacation; not many plans and just going with the flow. Lots of beach time and boogie boarding!!

- Thankfully my Grandma has a trailer parked on the California coast (one of my favorite places in the whole world) half of the year that we stay at at least once a year. Since graduating high school, my mom and I have gone by ourselves and spent a few days there ever summer. I'm not quite sure how that worked out, but it is always a wonderful time! Everyone else is welcome to come, but with their busy schedules it is looking like it will just be the two of us again!


*CLUBS WITH MY SISTERS (and Andre can come too!)
- I love dancing and I love my sisters! Therefore, I hope to put the two of those together multiple times this summer! I'm really going to miss them when I'm gone, so we need to have as much fun as we can while I'm here!


Those are the major plans that I have for the summer. And of course the obvious, spending a lot of nights and days with my friends. I was talking to Charly the other day about how quickly I fit in to Sacramento and felt comfortable. She and I both said it seems like I have been living here for years. I'm fortunate to have found good friends so fast!

I also recently rediscovered my love for sports, so I plan to have a very active summer after having a not-so-active year. Red Lobster has a softball team and we practice three days a week. I love it, and my competitive side is starting to come out :) I also really enjoy golf. It is so relaxing to go to the driving range and just hit some balls. The atmosphere is absolutely amazing. I go with friends or by myself, it's always a good time. There is a 24-hour driving range and going late at night is my favorite!

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