1. Passport - I got my passport before I even applied to study abroad (anxious, yes i know).
2. Visa
- Still in the process of getting this bad boy. Just yesterday I got my official acceptance letter from DCU (which was necessary in order to apply for my visa). So with that finally here, I will get on that tonight and tomorrow.
3. Housing
- Still undecided whether or not I want to live on or off campus. Both seem to have their perks. I have, however, applied to a total of four different places in Dublin. I should find out in July which ones accepted me.
4. Plane ticket
- Just bought it today!!! (THANKS DAD!) After receiving more information from DCU, I finally have the dates that I had been waiting for. I am going to by flying out of San Francisco Friday, September 19th and arriving in Dublin on Saturday, September 20th. My dad had graciously offered to buy my plane ticket for me. He wanted to buy it a few months ago because the prices were so cheap, but I wasn't sure about the dates. Luckily, the prices went down even more. My one-way nonstop flight to Dublin is only $209!! It's amazing! Any help is much appreciated, as I will be coming back to the States in a year with absolutely no money :/ So thank you so much Dad for buying that ticket!!!! :)
5. Insurance
- Once again, tonight and tomorrow will be my productive days. There is a specific insurance that we have to get, that mainly covers death or serious injury. Apparantely if I died in Ireland, it would cost about $40,000 to fly my body back. Ridiculous, eh?! The insurance is pretty cheap, about $10 a week.
6. Packing
- I'm sure I will post an entirely separate section explaining how exhausting/exciting this was. This will come a few weeks prior to departure. And hopefully when I am in Ireland, I won't be blogging about how I forgot things. I need to buy a couple suitcases (as I am not just vacationing, I will be living there for an entire year) and the things that I do not bring I should probably just get rid of. Something that I won't need in the next year, I probably won't ever need. There will be some major down-sizing of my closet, which is probably a good thing.
(a picture taken in Cork, Ireland - stole from a friend who was there over Spring Break :)
After waiting for what seemed like the longest week of my life, the results were in.
Oddly enough, I got out of my 7:30 class early (which NEVER happens). I was in the computer lab with a friend when I checked my e-mail. It was from the Office of Global Education. dun dun dun. I just looked at it. "Jessica, look." (she obviously had been sick of hearing my talk nonstop about Ireland and knew exactly what it was). "Well open it," she responded. I froze. I was scared what I would find in that e-mail. It took me a few seconds before I could read it: We have have selected the students who will be participating in the study abroad program. You have a letter at the Office of Global Education and can pick it up at your convenience.
AAAAAHHHHH!! What do I do, what do I do?!
"Well let's go," Jessica told me. I didn't want to. I was afraid that I didn't get accepted and I would just start crying in front of her. I was scared to go, but she convinced me. She was trying to have a casual conversation on the walk over, but to be honest, I had no idea what she was saying. All I could think about is how I'm going to cry in the next few minutes - of happiness or extreme disappointment.
I walk into the office and nervously ask for a letter. Lori Harrison smiles at me and turns around to get it. I feel like I'm going to faint and barf at the same time. She hands me a very large manila envelope and tells me that there is paperwork in there that needs to be turned in soon. I don't remember if I responded or not, I probably just mumbled and walked away like a rude dumbass. I walk out of the office, still with the unopened envelope in my hand. Any person in their right mind would connect that paperwork due = acceptance. NOT ME. I was still freaking out. I stop and open the envelope. I pull out a paper and looked at it for a few seconds and still can't read it because I'm so nervous. I see CONGRATULATIONS and I grin. Then I read more, and I smile, big. And that smile stayed on my face the ENTIRE day.
I went to to my next class and within seconds, everyone knew what just happened. I started texting everyone the good news. It started with my sister Charly, Fallon, Sondra, and I kept going from there. My professor yelled at me for texting. I stopped, then started again about 30 seconds later. He yelled at me again. I told him that I was sorry but that I couldn't help it... I had just gotten accepted! He was thrilled for me and allowed the texting :)
I went to the "bathroom" about ten minutes later. I had to tell my parents. I was so proud and knew that they would be too. I called home and mom answered. I told her the good news. As soon as I said "I got accepted..." I started to cry. Not bad, but the tears were definitely there. I was so happy. I told her I had to go and call dad and hung up immediately. Then I called his cell phone. I was in such a daze that I did not even realize that dad was at home with mom when I called her. She could have just passed the phone, but no, I was anxious and slightly delirious. Nonetheless, they were extremely excited, supportive, and proud.
This was no longer stressful, it was exciting. And so much to do before I leave! (Keep in mind, I am not one of those sentimental remember-the-date people, this just so happened to be my sister Sam's birthday, thus, I will always remember the date I found out I would be going to study in Ireland)
After realizing that this was something that I was most definitely going to do, I became extremely excited. I went to the Office of Global Education at CSU Sacramento to talk to some abroad advisors and get some more information about the program.
I figured this kind of thing was available to those who were willing to pay the fees. And that anyone brave enough to take this type of opportunity would be able to do it. So you can imagine by reaction when I found out otherwise.
This program is extremely competitive. Since this program is offered specifically from Sac State, they are choosing people to represent the school and there is an extensive application process. This consists of paperwork galore, including a paper explaining why they should choose you over everyone else, and the ever-so-intimidating interview that would either make you or break you.
The excitement of this opportunity immediately changed to nervousness. This was something that I wanted so badly - what if I didn't get accepted, then what?! The variety of emotions I was feeling was overwhelming. But I was determined to make this happen.
Of course I completed the easy stuff first. The pages and pages consisting of the basic information about me. School, grades, job, money, history, demographics, etc. I was making progress and it felt good! Then it came to the hard part. The paper. Ughhhh.
It seemed simple enough. Why you want to study abroad, what you plan to get out of it, why Ireland, and why you? But this being something that I wanted more than anything, it was never good enough. Luckily I had some help along the way...
In one of my standard Coms classes, there was a girl that sat directly to the right of me that I had began talking to. She was really nice and easy to talk to. We talked for a couple weeks or so and I eventually brought up in conversation that I was in the process of applying to study abroad. Her excitement and interest in this was very obvious. "Really?! I just got back from studying abroad, where are you applying to?" I responded with enthusiasm, "Dublin City University!"
And yet another symbol that it is meant to be; Kate just got back from studying abroad at Dublin City University! She was only there for one semester, but loved it so much that she is moving there for good this fall. Small, crazy world, eh?! AND JUST MY LUCK!
This girl helped me out tremendously. Not only did she give me the inside scoop on life in Dublin and what they were looking for in the application, but she actually edited and gave many suggestions on my paper, which could have been the deciding factor in their decision to accept me for this amazing opportunity. (So thank you Kate!)
Once I turned in the application, I was relieved. Having it in front of me and never being satisfied was absolute torture. It was nice to get it out of my hands so I could do no more. It was a few days after the deadline that I received an e-mail, INTERVIEWS!!
As excited as I was that I was one step closer to Ireland, I was freaking out inside. The idea of me blowing the interview and never being able to forgive myself was stressful enough. Not to mention that the week of the interview was also the week of midterms. Horrible, time consuming, difficult midterms. Along with a presentation and debate; both which were a large portion of my grade. Oh, and did I mention... my lap top broke the night before the interview! Everything had worked out so perfectly before, why was this happening?
I actually broke down the night before the interview. The first time I had cried hard in an entire year. And I cried hard, really hard. I think that it hit me; this is it - you either go or you don't. I had so much going on, I didn't feel like I had enough time to "prepare" for the interview. But I later realized, how much can you really "prepare" for an interview? Well being the crazy obsessed Ireland girl that I was at the time, I researched. You ask me the population of Ireland, location, history, religion, government, every major city, number of DCU students, things to do in Ireland, places to go, diseases, problems, sports, people, weather, current events, etc... I was convinced that if the interviewers were to ask me one of the millions of questions regarding Ireland, and I didn't know the answer, I was DONE.
I was only nervous because I was determined to make this happened. And I was scared that my dream might not come true.
The interview went well. There was a committee of three people. Two Professors from CSUS that have been to Ireland and Monica Freeman - the lady who has all the power. From the weeks I had been stressing, the interview lasted no more than ten minutes. They were rushed for time, having to complete all the interviews for all countries in just one day.
I left the interview feeling both nauseous and relieved. I was confident leaving the interview, but after having time to think over every little thing that I had said, I doubted myself. The fact that they did not tell me how or when they would let me know the results, began to really get to me. However, I was relieved that it was no longer in my hands and there was no more pressure.
If you ask anyone close to me the one thing that I really wanted to do at this point in my life (that I have been talking about for the past year and a half) they would easily respond... STUDY ABROAD IN IRELAND.
I came up with the idea of studying abroad about two years ago. The idea of such an amazing experience both intrigued and excited me. I decided that this was something that I wanted and needed to do for myself.
It was not soon after that I decided exactly where I wanted to go, Dublin City University. The exceptional Communication Studies Department at DCU was only one of contributing factors to my decision. I have always been fascinated with the Irish culture. Once I realized that DCU specialized in Communication Studies, and offered these courses for international students, I knew it was meant to be.