Tuesday, May 19, 2009



My dream thus far has come true :)

After waiting for what seemed like the longest week of my life, the results were in.

Oddly enough, I got out of my 7:30 class early (which NEVER happens). I was in the computer lab with a friend when I checked my e-mail. It was from the Office of Global Education. dun dun dun. I just looked at it. "Jessica, look." (she obviously had been sick of hearing my talk nonstop about Ireland and knew exactly what it was). "Well open it," she responded. I froze. I was scared what I would find in that e-mail. It took me a few seconds before I could read it:

We have have selected the students who will be participating in the study abroad program. You have a letter at the Office of Global Education and can pick it up at your convenience.

AAAAAHHHHH!! What do I do, what do I do?!

"Well let's go," Jessica told me. I didn't want to. I was afraid that I didn't get accepted and I would just start crying in front of her. I was scared to go, but she convinced me. She was trying to have a casual conversation on the walk over, but to be honest, I had no idea what she was saying. All I could think about is how I'm going to cry in the next few minutes - of happiness or extreme disappointment.

I walk into the office and nervously ask for a letter. Lori Harrison smiles at me and turns around to get it. I feel like I'm going to faint and barf at the same time. She hands me a very large manila envelope and tells me that there is paperwork in there that needs to be turned in soon. I don't remember if I responded or not, I probably just mumbled and walked away like a rude dumbass. I walk out of the office, still with the unopened envelope in my hand. Any person in their right mind would connect that paperwork due = acceptance. NOT ME. I was still freaking out. I stop and open the envelope. I pull out a paper and looked at it for a few seconds and still can't read it because I'm so nervous. I see CONGRATULATIONS and I grin. Then I read more, and I smile, big. And that smile stayed on my face the ENTIRE day.

I went to to my next class and within seconds, everyone knew what just happened. I started texting everyone the good news. It started with my sister Charly, Fallon, Sondra, and I kept going from there. My professor yelled at me for texting. I stopped, then started again about 30 seconds later. He yelled at me again. I told him that I was sorry but that I couldn't help it... I had just gotten accepted! He was thrilled for me and allowed the texting :)

I went to the "bathroom" about ten minutes later. I had to tell my parents. I was so proud and knew that they would be too. I called home and mom answered. I told her the good news. As soon as I said "I got accepted..." I started to cry. Not bad, but the tears were definitely there. I was so happy. I told her I had to go and call dad and hung up immediately. Then I called his cell phone. I was in such a daze that I did not even realize that dad was at home with mom when I called her. She could have just passed the phone, but no, I was anxious and slightly delirious. Nonetheless, they were extremely excited, supportive, and proud.

This was no longer stressful, it was exciting. And so much to do before I leave!

(Keep in mind, I am not one of those sentimental remember-the-date people, this just so happened to be my sister Sam's birthday, thus, I will always remember the date I found out I would be going to study in Ireland)

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