Friday, January 15, 2010

Bitching Session

Yes... this will be the first negative post I've written since being here, but a little bit of venting is much needed at the moment.

First of all, I'm having money issues. I still have money, I just can't use it which is frustrating as hell! Before leaving for Spain I made a transfer to my Irish bank account with a large amount of money, hoping to be the last time I have to make a transfer as this will be enough to last me for the rest of the year. I also did this large amount of money because each time I make a transfer, B of A charges me 35 dollars. The same information I had used previously which successfully transferred my money to my AIB account was what I used again as it was saved on my online banking. I assumed there would be no problems. I WAS WRONG. While in Spain my money still hadn't gone through to my surprise, as it should only take one week. So I had been using my American cards, which charge me outrageous fees for each purchase as well as a ridiculous amount for withdrawaling money. I had no other choice, so I dealt with it. I came back to Dublin and realized that the transfer did not go through, to this point I still don't know why. But I was confused as they put the money back in my account, only I was missing over 150 dollars. Then I realized what happened: the euro-dollar exchange rate was higher when I made the transfer. When it didn't work, the currency exchange rate was lower, which meant I received less money back. Not to mention they kept the 35 dollars for the transaction that did not even work. So now I have to go to the bank here and get the correct information (which I already have) to start over. I need to accept the fact that I lost that money which could have been used on much-needed new clothes. But it still isn't that easy. In order to do a transfer of over one thousand dollars, you need a special card which I ordered months ago (btw B of A charged me TWICE for that card and I have yet to get to the bottom of that problem). I could only send this to an American address, so my parents currently have it. But to my luck, their skype isn't working and there is no way I'm able to make the transfer without speaking to them. And as I'm losing money each day, I'd rather not waste more on ridiculous international phone charges. I think the fact that I currently have no income makes things worse.

Of course all of this is happening during the most stressful time of the year; the end of the semester. Thankfully, I already completed and turned in two essays that determined half of my grade. Now I am currently writing the essay from hell, which btw is what my entire grade for that class is based off of. Not only was this class extremely boring with a three hour lecture each week, it was complicated as hell. I thought I had been missing something, like maybe there was a prerequisite for the class because I didn't understand a thing. Not to mention all the students in the class didn't seem similar to me or like the ones in the rest of my classes. After doing some research, I realize that DCU enrolled me in a post graduate course, without having any knowledge of it. A course that I have absolutely no interest in and that doesn't even transfer back to Sac State. I am taking this class for no reason at all, suffering through the boring lectures and now this extremely difficult essay for nothing. Awesome. It also leaves me no time to study for my final exam which is looking to be pretty difficult. Oh yeah and this stress has given me a zit, looking like a massive mountain growing on my face. All this plus PMS, not a good combination...

Okay I feel a bit better now getting all of that out... only a few more days and I will be done with the semester, thank goodness!!!

I was considering posting a picture of me pissed off to add to this post, but I decided against it as I will probably regret it later.

1 comment:

  1. Boo to all of that!!! I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you this morning :( I can TRY to help with any of that... my Skype works... I can't believe you're in a post grad class!! I bet that's really freaking hard. I hope everything fixes itself soon. I love you!!
